
This guide will provide an overview over accuracy and relevant ballistic factors in EFT.

Each weapon has an accuracy value, visible on the weapon stats window. On weapons with interchangable barrels, each barrel has an accuracy value on its own stats window. The accuracy value visible on a weapon is the combined total value, including the effects of all weapon parts attached to the weapon. The two primary factors that determine where shots hit are accuracy and muzzle velocity.


On firing a round, the game spawns a bullet which is set on a vector towards what the barrel is pointing at plus a deviation from that vector. This potential for deviation is an accuracy cone. In a world without gravity (and air resistance), the bullet would fly straight forever along that vector.

However because gravity is harsh and she wants her money back, that flight path vector becomes a parabolic curve.


The velocity of a bullet determines how far it can travel. Gravity and air resistance (drag) are the two forces that act against the bullet. Gravity pulls the bullet down towards the ground. Drag slows the bullet velocity and destabilizes its trajectory. Velocity also determines the kinetic energy (along with mass of the bullet). However in EFT, the penetration power is not affected by changes in velocity. A round will have the same penetration at any distance.

For the shooter in EFT, velocity affects the bullet drop and the compensation of its effects. A 5.56 round at 900+ meters per second will have very little noticable drop at 100 meters, so ranging errors result in centimeters of drop. A 9x39 round, at 300 meters per second will have more severe bullet drop and the ranging errors can cause missing a target at the same distance.

So the faster the round, the more forgiving it is to ranging errors.

Now let's put accuracy and velocity together and the task of shooting at a target accurately can be imagined as hurling a rock with a catapult onto a target. As far as ballistics are concerned, the medieval catapult gunner had to take into account the same forces as a modern day shooter in Tarkov. Just the velocities involved are different.

Minute of Angle

A common way to measure accuracy in real life is "minute of angle" (MOA). One MOA is the 60th part of one degree. And at 100 meters, the shortest side of the triangle of the angle is 291 millimeters. This is often simplified to one inch (254 millimeters). However in this post, we will not simplify it to inches, because we are not animals.

1 MOA = 291mm @ 100 meters
2 MOA = 582mm @ 200 meters

This chart shows how accuracy converts to MOA in EFT. Next to it, the spread columns show the diameter of spread at different distances in centimeters. And the last row shows which accuracy values are good enough to hit a target's head or torso at different distances.

For example, if you want to hit a target's head at 300 meters, then an accuracy value of 0.021 is required, which corresponds to 1.5 MOA. Weapons capable of this are the DVL-10, SV-98 and VSS. However the VSS will have a hard time hitting at that distance, not because of dispersion, but because of the need for precise elevation.

Weapon Accuracy

Pistols:  0.32 - 0.6
Shotguns: 0.95 - 1.25
SMGs: 0.1 - 0.25
Rifles (Intermediate calibers): 0.02 - 0.065
Rifles (Full-sized calibers): 0.013 - 0.05


At 100 meters, pistols might miss the torso of a target entirely, because their accuracy bracket puts their dispersion between 60 - 120 centimeters.


While most SMGs share their caliber with pistols, their longer barrels can extend the accuracy potential beyond pistols by an impressive margin. The most accurate smg, the Saiga-9 can almost reach into the headshot bracket at 100 meters. At 200 and 300 meters the guaranteed torso hit is out of reach.

Rifles (Intermediate calibers)

These are rifles using 5.45, 5.56 and 7.62x39 calibers. All of them can hit a torso at up to 200 meters. The most accurate ones touch the headshot bracket at even 300 meters.

Rifles (Full-sized calibers)

Battle rifle calibers, like the 7.62x51 or 7.62x54R. For both, high performance accuracy systems are present. The DVL-10 offers sub-moa accuracy for .308 closely matched by the SV-98 for the 7.62x54R. The carbine mosin is the ghetto choice at 0.05 accuracy.

This should answer the question on whether the DVL-10 or SV-98 are worth getting over a  Mosin. The answer is: A mosin is good enough to hit a headshot at 200 meters. At 300 meters, a headshot is out of reach for a mosin. And a DVL-10 or SV-98 offer that small extra accuracy to hit a target peeking out at these distances.


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