
 Compared to similar calibers


  1. Are you sure penetration values are right? M995 doesn't penetrate fort?

    1. I think nothing penetrates the Fort with the new patch.

    2. what about armor damage? IS m995 better than 5.45 BS or not?

    3. I'm pretty sure 7.62x39 BT pens fort. My friend and I shot each other and we took chest damage, without breaking the fort.

    4. If it doesnt then its very questionable what data BSG is modelling rounds on.
      M995 supposedly can penetrate 12mm of RHA steel plate at 100m range. This round was made to penetrate BRDMs.
      For comparison SP-6 of VAL/VSS can penetrate 8mm at 100m and will penetrate class IIIA armor at 300m.

    5. Fort has a ceramic armored plate, which must withstand the penetration of an armor-piercing incendiary bullet B-32 7.62x54R

    6. The forts description is wrong, 6A armor is at least equivalent to NIJ Lvl 4

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  3. I'm confus ... Thanks for testing but now i dont know :O What ammo is best :O I need middle way good dmg and penetration :O its M855A1 or MK255 ?

    1. I would go for M855A1, it's Ball ammo (Ball == FMJ) and it got decent damage and deals with fort quite good. I don't have exact numbers though, I was hoping lelcat will start adding it :(

  4. You should change "55 HP" and "55 FMJ" to ".223 HP" and ".223 FMJ". 55 is not a caliber or anything, it's grain number of a bullet. No idea why it's even in the name of the bullet.

    I still want amount of Armour Point taken by each shot :(

    1. From what I understand 5.56x45 NATO is not exactly the same thing as .223

    2. It's not. You CAN fire a .223 cartridge from a weapon designed to operate on 5.56 NATO, but you SHOULD NOT fire 5.56 NATO from a weapon designed to be fed with .223.

      5.56 NATO is based on the other, and they are the same caliber, but slightly different in length and power, if I recall correctly?

      Anyway, it shouldn't be called "55 HP" and "55 FMJ", but ".223 HP" and ".223 FMJ". Because they are these ammo. Yes, they fit, but they ARE NOT 5.56 NATO.
      I suggested fix in naming in Polish translation already. Will see if it will be approved.

    3. I believe the 55 is referring to the weight of the bullet, not the caliber. It is a 55 grain HP or 55 grain FMJ bullet. These can be loaded into either a 5.56 or .223 cartridge.

      Regardless, they should keep calling it whatever it is called in the game, and not make corrections to the text. That would cut down on confusion.

  5. so hollow point is the best against targets unarmored and armoured??? if all the bullets have the same AP capabilities dosent that mean HP is superior to all other types??? or am i missing something here.

    1. You do seem to be missing something. M995 ammo is the best against armor by a long shot.

  6. Excelent job on armor damage! It's getting more in-depth and I love it!

  7. It will be great if you also mark the trader and their level for the ammo. Saves a lot of time and questions for new players being referred to this source.

  8. It would be nice to see alternating colors on the first table. It's hard to read left and right and staying on the same line.

  9. Well actually, this is pretty empty, nothing wrong about it, you are probably very busy. For what I see here and my ingame experiences in gunfights and duel, you can't decide which one is the best : Missing informations, updates etc...

    Whatever. When you gear up for a raid, just use the best equipments. If you are using low bullets like Mk255 or M856A1 and face a full amor player : you dead.
    For sur if you encounters an Axe man, nothing to worry all bullets will get him.

    The question is : do you want to take the risk to loose all your stuff because of shitty bullets ?

    I made a lot of fights, and all I see in their corps are freaking m855A1, PRS, PP, 55 FMJ, Subsonic shits... Conclusion : Imagine you're gonna fight a full gear player in every game you run, always pick High penetration bullets. You may shoot through an armor, a tree, a window, a grilling etc...

    1. Actually MK255 is not bad because its in the middle between Penetration and flesh hits so if you are fighting a fully geared player ur m995 might penetrate fast but it takes about the same amount of bullets to kill him.

    2. Actually MK255 is not bad because its in the middle between Penetration and flesh hits so if you are fighting a fully geared player ur m995 might penetrate fast but it takes about the same amount of bullets to kill him.

  10. These tables are getting worse and worse to read as they get updated. Consider not including items that dont exist.. (you dont need to layout armor type #'s not in the game yet)

  11. I was killed with one shot by makarov 9x18 over altain helmet (top armor helmet) !!! Tested 100% :(


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