The AKS-74U is a compact self-loading, select-fire rifle for the intermediate 5.45x39 cartridge. It was first produced in 1975 and was intended as a compact weapon for vehicle crews and second line troops.

There are three variants of this weapon in EFT:

  • AKS-74U
    This is is the base variant. The U in the name is an abbreviation for "shortened" in russian.

  • AKS-74UN
    This variant has a dovetail mount on the left side, intended for mounting soviet/russian optical devices. The N in the name is an abbreviation for "night / intended for night use" in russian.

  • AKS-74UB
    This is a special variant optimized for subsonic ammunition. It is sold complete with a suppressor, dovetail mount and a dust cover with ironsights for subsonic ammo.


The weapon is compact, it has the dimensions of an SMG and weighs 2.479 kg unloaded. Its stock can be folded, which is a feature exclusive to AK-type weapons, the Kedr an the MP7 at this time (v0.11).


The weapon fires a very powerful high velocity round out of a small size. This compromise between portability and recoil is going to haunt inexperienced shooters who tend to use automatic fire.

AKS-74U vs AK-74N recoil on full auto (without mouse interference). As you can see the first will transmit considerable abuse to the shooter's shoulder. The full-sized AK-74N however can keep a stable recoil pattern. That is because of the long barrel  and weapon mass providing intertia to soften the recoil.

However this is only for automatic fire. An experienced shooter with the discipline to line up precise follow-up shots on semi-auto is rewarded with the same damage output and almost the same accuracy as if firing the AK-74N. Just the time between the shots is longer, because re-aligning the sights requires more time. Inexperienced players tend to judge a weapon's usability based on its recoil on automatic fire.


The 5.45x39 is an intermediate rifle caliber developed for the AK-74. The goal was (similar to the 5.56x45) to develop a lighter, faster bullet that had a flatter trajectory and increased accuracy. Similar to what the 7.62x39 was to the 7.62x54R, weapon designers wanted a caliber that is good enough for a specific range of 400+ meters without the excessive power of a full sized rifle caliber. Lighter bullets meant less recoil and the shooter would be able to carry more rounds into battle.

In EFT, it is the most verstatile caliber along with the 5.56x45. It offers damage and penetration suitable for any type of target.


The modding possibilities are copious for the AKS-74U. It can fit all muzzle devices that would fit on the full-sized 5.45 AK weapons. It can also fit the same pistol grips and magazines. When it comes to dovetail-mounted devices, it can fit the same ones, however for some of them, the dust cover is in the way and has to be removed.

Below are some ideas for modding your AKS-74U.

The scorpion

This is a low budget setup intended for minimal carrying capacity and maximum damage. The 45-round magazine provides 50% more ammo than a 30-round magazine and removes the need for a vest to carry spare magazines. The SP ammo will guarantee black limbs on the target and outright kill targets without body armor in 1-2 hits. Better armored targets can be wounded and forced to retreat. The key is to carefully plan your attack and not get cornered in close range combat as this would put you at a disadvantage against armored targets.

The night witch

This is actually an authentic night combat setup, featuring the NSPU-M night vision scope, a PBS-4 suppressor and subsonic ammo. The combination of the suppressor and the subsonic ammo will make your shots completely invisible (no muzzle flash) and inaudible (beyond 50 meters), because there is no supersonic crack. All the target will hear is the impact of the bullet or it whizzing past on a near miss.

The terminator

The build for extreme firepower that eliminates the most dangerous problem in a close situation firefight: Reloading. The angled grip provides good grip, and the aimpoint sight helps with long range targeting. This also makes a great fire support weapon to keep enemies down while your teammates attack.


The AKS-74U is the swiss army knife of EFT.
It can be adapted to every situation and threat type, its ammo types stretch across the penetration / damage spectrum with granularity that no other caliber in the game offers. Its compact size, easy to point capability offer strong close range firepower. And its high-velocity ammo enable it to reach beyond what any SMGS or pistol can reach.

But it is a knife, not a sword.

It has a stiff recoil and requires an experienced shooter to re-align it to the target for follow-up shots. This puts it at a disadvantage against enemies with full-sized automatic rifles as they can re-align to target faster and project more hits back at the shooter at the same time.

The weapon requires a shooter that has the nerve to commit to precise aimed shots where others would panic and switch to full auto. Incidently it is one of the most rewarding weapons to learn to play with. Because not everyone can handle it. It requires to be used differently in various situations and that requirement to adapt makes it very deep and engaging to use. Think of it as a temperamental race car that rewards sophisticated drivers.


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