
The P226 is a 9x19 semi-automatic pistol first produces in the early 1980s. Was submitted for trial in to replace the 1911 as the service pistol for the US Army but lost out against the M9 Beretta. Nevertheless, the weapon found its use in variour armies and police forces around the world. In Tarkov it is often considered "scav trash" because it found on scavs and its modding possibilities were very limited. But with the last few patches, the selection of parts was expanded.

Beretta wins the contest for replacing the 1911 over Sig.

The P226R is the featured variant in EFT. The "R" indicates it has a accessory rail below the barrel.

P226R ammo

The 9x19 is a standard pistol and SMG caliber for various weapons in EFT. Its advantages are good damage due to the large bullet diameter and relatively low recoil impulse (when fired from an SMG). However in a pistol, the recoil is considerable.

The ammo selection offers 6 different types. The PST and AP 6.3 are the armor-piercing solutions of the 9x19 selection and then the PSO and CCI offer gradual reduction in penetration in exchange for more damage. The RIP trades most of its armor penetration for damage. 
The numbers 13 and 20 are significant for armor penetration. As these are the limits of that armor classes 2 and 3 can withstand. The CCI is slightly below a guaranteed penetration for class 2 armor. And the PST is below class 3 penetration. The AP 6.3 reaches beyond the 21 penetration required for class 3 armor.

P226R Shooting

The natural advantages for all pistols are fast ADS speed, compact size low cost (compared to larger weapons). Disadvantages are comparatively low accuracy at a distance, low rate of fire, high recoil for its size and limited ammunition power. Shooting at a distance requires careful evaluation and re-acquisition of the targets for a second shot. Pistols lack the stability for high volume of fire. For a pistol, the P226R is accurate, but all pistols lack accuracy compared to weapons with longer barrels.

P226 Modding

The modding options are not as plentiful as the Glock 17,  but they offer some amount for variation. The weapon can be adapted for covert action with a threaded barrel for suppressors. And the various slides and grips allow for limited visual customization.

The main tactical purposes of a P226 are:

  • Service pistol
    The pistol as a primary combat weapon. With a base magazine size of 15 rounds, carrying this gun into battle with 3 magazines is adequate to survive firefights, provided there is enough cover and distance to the enemy. As enemies with automatic weapons will make quick work of a pistol PMC at close range. Playing with a pistol as a primary gun is tricky, because one can not shoot their way out of trouble once caught in a bad situation as it would be possible with a rifle or submachinegun. 

  •  Backup weapon
    When used as a backup with one magazine loaded, this can be a handy weapon for when the primary weapon jams, is out of ammo or needs to be reloaded. The purpose of a backup weapon is to provide quick firepower when all other options have failed. With a 15 round magazine, this is adequate firepower to finish off a damaged enemy or screen an area with fire to cover a retreat.

  • Covert Ops Pistol
    Equipped with a threaded barrel, suppressor and illuminated ironsights, this can be used as weapon for night operations and almost noiseless shooting. The drawbacks of low fire rate and high recoil still apply. This is offset by the low cost of a pistol suppressor. suppressed P226R costs less than a rifle suppressor.

P226R Summary

A full-size combat pistol that can be used as a primary weapon and configured for stealth. The large base-magazine capacity of 15 rounds makes it a capable backup weapon. It can be used as is or turned into a decorative item for players willing to invest into extra parts.

Accuracy 7/10
The most accurate pistol in the game along with the Makarov and APS (all 0.32).

Recoil 5/10
Average recoil for a 9x19 pistol.

Ammo 3/10
9x19 offers good damage and limited penetration. Short-barrel weapons like pistols make for considerable vertical kick when shooting 9x19.

Weapon-specific Modding 3/10
Two barrels, five slides, six grips, two magazines and two mounts have potential for limited functional modification.

General Modding 3/10
Mounts for red dots sights and threaded barrels for suppressors.


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